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Dipti Patil passed her entrance exam during the Valens course May 2019. She is physiotherapist from Mumbai, India. Dipti is practicing aquatic therapy since 2015 with various patient groups and presented a paper at ICEBAT Mysore in November 2017. Dipti is specifically interested in Water Specific Therapy and starts her education in 2023

Dipti Patil

Dipti Patil
PT, Aquatic Therapist,
Assistant Lecturer in IATF
Certified Aquatic Therapist (Switzerland, IATF)
Specialization in Water Specific Therapy (WST)
Certified General Movement Assessment Practitioner
Certified NDT (USA)
Certified SI (Southern California)
Certified Kinesio Taping Therapist (USA)
Founder and Director of:

Dipti Patil, PT is a practicing Physical therapist for the last 16 years. She is a member of IATF. She holds an Aquatic Therapy certification from Switzerland, (IATF) and working as an Aquatic Therapist since 6 years. She is specialized in Water Specific Therapy and is conducting research in various conditions. She is an advanced certified Neurodevelopment (NDT) therapist, Certified in Sensory Integration therapy and is also a certified kinesio-taping therapist. She holds certification in Precht’s General Movement Assessment as well.

For the last 11 years, she is the clinical director of Aarrosh Aquatherapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Research Center. Prior to that. She has worked as Physical Therapy consultant in India at Vedanta Clinic and New Horizon Child Development Center. Since May-2019, she is working in Brahmakumari’s Global Hospital and Research Centre as a consultant Lead Neonatal and Early Intervention Therapist in NICU set up.

Recently, In March-2020 she has presented a paper in Indian Association of Physiotherapy (IAP) conference held in Chennai-India, on aquatic therapy. She has also presented a paper in International conference of Aquatic Therapy (ICEBAT) as well, which was held in India 2017.

She has conducted few aquatic therapy workshops for undergraduate students at university colleges. She had held an International Aquathon in Nov-2018/ 2019 and represented India.

Aarrosh Aquatherapy, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Research Center provides direct services to children and adults with a variety of developmental conditions such as CP, Autism, ADHD, developmental coordination disorders, Down’s syndrome, genetic conditions, developmental delays, Stroke, SCI, TBI, Orthopedic and other neurological disorders. We have a team of 5 aquatic physiotherapists, 1 occupational therapist, 2 speech therapists, 1 psychologist and 1 remedial teacher. We keep multidisciplinary approach and try to provide holistic treatment to our patients.

At Aarrosh, we look at inculcating newer and innovative techniques in the spectrum of physiotherapy and aquatic therapy to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment to the patients.


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